It is no easy challenge to make a successor to a game like Crusader Kings II, but Paradox Entertainment dared it in the end. Part of the story goes that Crusader Kings II had reached the end of not its playable life, but the end of its patching in new DLCs life. And it is probably more or less true.

The fact that Crusader Kings III had to follow a predecessor which had been built, rebuilt and added to for many years and with a staggering number of DLCs, meant that there was a real fear that Paradox would do a The Sims thing and neuter the new game into a barebones “start-everything-over and here’s the same kind of DLCs for you to buy again” kind of game. As it turned out, they didn’t. Or rather, they sort of might have but in such a way that it is at least not too obvious.
Granted, it helps that probably not many remember exactly how Crusader Kings II was when it first premiered.
Crusader Kings III is of course not as huge and content-rich as a fully DLC-ed CK2. But it still feel like it brings enough of the good parts from the predecessor to be more than just a starter package.

DLCs in order of release dates
Fashion of the Abbasid Court – released 1 September 2020
The first DLC for Crusader Kings III is a cosmetic one which provide new clothes and looks for Middle Eastern and North African characters.
Garments of the Holy Roman Empire – released 1 September 2020
Cosmetic DLC with outfits from the Holy Roman Empire.
Northern Lords – released 16 March 2021
This Expansion pack DLC provides more depth to the Scandinavian parts of CK3 with its focus on the vikings and their age.
Royal Court – released 8 February 2022
An expansion pack that unlocks the possibility for dukes, kings and emperors to develop royal courts with throne rooms.
Fate of Iberia – released 31 May 2022
Focuses on the struggle between Christanity and Islam on the Iberian peninsula.
Friends and Foes – released 8 September 2022
A minor DLC which adds new events related to characters’ relations to others.
Elegance of the Empire – released 4 April 2023
Cosmetic DLC with clothing and styles from the Holy Roman Empire.
Tours & Tournaments – released 11 May 2023
Expansion pack DLC.
Legacy of Persia – released 9 November 2023
Flavor pack DLC focusing on the Persian region.
North African Attire – released 23 January 2024
Cosmetic content creator pack.
Couture of the Capets – released 6 February 2024
Cosmetic pack.
Legends of the Dead – released 4 March 2024
Expansion pack.
Many Roads to Power – Comic Book – released 22 Augusti 2024
Free DLC in the form of a comic book.
Roads to Power – released 24 September 2024
Expansion pack.
Wandering Nobles – released 4 November 2024
Event pack.