The Hay & Forage Pack for Farming Simulator 22 is a DLC pack that delivers exactly what the title says. We’re looking at a pack which adds a number of new machinery and tools for the grass handling part of the game.
To a certain degree the contents of the pack seems to be geared toward European farming style and then particularly with more focus on mowing and handling grass in more difficult terrain. Which makes sense since several of the offered equipment brands are on their home turf in alpine meadows and grass fields. This however does not mean that they can’t be useful in other places as well.
The stars of the show in this pack are probably the machinery from the three brands that are newcomers to Farming Simulator.
From the Austrian-based Reform brand comes the tractor Mounty 110V, the more specialized tractor Metrac H75, and the small versatile truck Muli T8 X with two additional parts.

The Reform Muli T8 X is a versatile smaller truck in the same vein as Lindner’s, with a possibility to change between a tipper and a forage wagon unit.
Reform-Werke was founded in 1910 by Johann Bauer, the son of a farmer near Wels in Upper Austria. The company develops and manufactures special vehicles for year-round use in mountain agriculture and municipal technology. Their products include the Muli and Boki transporters, the Metrac tool carriers, and Motech single-axle mowers.

The second newcomer is German mowing Specialist Brielmaier with its Motor Mower S250 – a new walking-style mower, but of a bigger size than the one from another brand that already exist in the game.
The Brielmaier company of today is located in Deggenhausertal, Germany, and has its origins back in the mid-1980s when there actually were two different and unrelated companies in the same area both using the Brielmaier name as part of their names. Martin Brielmaier and his partner Peter Fürst ran the company Brielmaier + Fürst, a company specialized in state-of-the-art sheet metal processing. At the same time, in Friedrichshafen, the company’s headquarters, there was also a manufacturer of motor mowers named Maschinenfabrik J. Brielmayer. Due to the similarity of names, both companies often got mixed up, something that made the respective owners aware of each other’s businesses and Brielmaier + Fürst became a producer of parts for the mower manufacturer. Then, when the owner of the latter firm in 1990 due to age wanted to give up his business, Martin Brielmaier decided to take over the motor mower production company. From there on the company has evolved the product line into today’s state-of-the-art walking motor mowers.

The third of the three new brands is also an Austrian one. The Reiter company is represented by their three windrowers R3 compact 700, R7 rd, and R9 profi.
In addition there is also new equipment from already existing in-game brands. From Krone there’s three new tools to handle the whole grass sequence – the EasyCut F 320 Highland mower, the Swadro S 350 Highland windrower, and the Vendro 820 Highland tedder. as you may notice from the names all three are designed for use in more difficult terrain and as such keeping in style with the pack’s general idea. Rigitrac – another alpine specialist company – provides the new tractor SKH 60 and Sepp Knüsel the two mowers Tornado and Tornado Plus.
To round it out there’s also a new big forage wagon from Pöttering – the Jumbo 8450 – as well as the TOP 1403 C windrower. All in all this makes for a total of 17 new items for your farming enjoyment.

After having tested the new toys out on the suitable map, the comclusion is that it’s a neat pack for the right map and the right situation. If you’re one of the farmers who like central European mountain farming this pack is most likely right up your alley. If you prefer big flat plains farming, not so much. On a more general note I can only conclude that if you happen to be in the first category, or have a liking for grass growing, Farming Simulator 22 has been quite good at spoiling you with DLC options lately – first the Göweil pack and now this one.