The new free Precision Farming DLC has just been released for Farming Simulator 19. Now, this is a rather interesting thing since it’s something as unique as a project that is partially sponsored by an official EU body – EIT Food – as well as having the support of John Deere.
Basically it is an official mod that changes the way agriculture is handled in the game by introducing a more complex soil and fertilizing simulation. When the Precision Farming mod is active, the fields on the map get different types of soil – loamy sand, sandy loam, loam and silty clay – which all have somewhat different properties. In order to know what type of soil is on a particular field soil samples have to be taken and sent for analysis. When knowing what kind of soil is where, fertilizing can be properly done in a modern and precise fashion.
Instead of simply having to fertilize every field a set number of times, Precision Farming makes it possible to put the accurate and exact amount of fertilizer wherever it is needed. Which in the real world means that no more fertilizer than needed is deposited in the ground, which in turn leads to less environmentally damaginging overuse. A win for everyone.
You can read more about Precision Farming on Giants official site <a href=”″>here</a>.
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